shine on


Shine on. Shine on. There'll be time enough for darkness when everything is done.

In her book 'Full Cup, Thirsty Spirit" my friend Karen Horneffer-Ginter invites her readers into a Yin & Yang exercise of describing things that make you come alive, and things that deplete you. Around the new year I made my full & empty lists. Through this exercise I rediscovered how important the experience of live music is to me. It used to be a staple 'filling up' experience in my life. Live music is a soul-filling, bliss-connecting experience for me and as my schedule shifted (yes, 6am Yoga) and I found more ways to feel like live music wasn't practical, I went less and less. With this new realization I recommitted this summer to saying yes to concerts and filling my cup with the experience.

Two Michigan singer/songwriter favorites, Seth Bernard & May Erlewine played their second Living Room Concert in Kalamazoo tonight. Their song, Shine On, always touches me and reminds me that it's my responsibility to fill my cup, so that I might shine on, so that I might be illuminated and light the way for those around me, so that I might be the light I seek.

What fills your cup? What could you revisit that holds joy and rejuvenation for you? What can you say yes to and shine on?