all-healing ayurvedic golden milk


Picture this: a cozy evening at home, where the gentle aroma of spices fills the air. You're wrapped in a soft blanket, cradling a warm mug in your hands. It's a moment of tranquility, self-care, and rejuvenation.

Golden Milk, sometimes called "Turmeric Latte”, is an Āyurvedic elixir made with turmeric and other spices, best known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It’s a soothing, comforting drink that's more than just a beverage—it's a rasayana; a substance that nourishes and tones the entire body.

Additionally, Golden Milk also boosts immunity, has many spices that kindle Agni, aid digestion, and clear ama (toxicity) from the body.

Golden Milk is most beneficial for Vata Dosha, because of its warm, heavy qualities. Kapha should enjoy it in moderation to avoid excess heaviness. Not recommended for those experiencing high Pitta, as this drink can add too much heat to the system.

Lastly, our Golden Healer Ghee is a must-have addition when making this recipe. This ghee is blended with organic turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, black pepper, and Celtic sea salt, and adds an extra layer of cozy to this cup!

This golden milk is delicious and perfect for warming up on a chilly day.


1 ½ cups light coconut milk
1 ½ cups unsweetened plain almond milk (or oat milk, or dairy milk)
1 ½ tsp ground turmeric
¼ tsp ground ginger (or 1 tsp freshly grated ginger*)
⅛ tsp each, powder: nutmeg, coriander, cardamom, fennel, ginger, black pepper
pinch himalayan mineral salt, cloves powder
1 whole cinnamon stick (or ⅛ tsp ground cinnamon)
1 TBS Golden Healer Ghee
1 TBS sweetener (honey, maple syrup, turbinado, etc)


  • Heat coconut milk and other milk of choice in a saucepan, along with all of the spices.

  • Once the mixture is steaming hot (be sure not to boil; boiling will cause the mixture to bitter), remove from heat, cover, and let steep for 5 minutes.

  • After steeping, whisk in the Golden Healer Ghee, and bring to steaming hot again. Continue whisking until Ghee is incorporated, and the texture of the milk is velvety.

  • If sweetening, add sweetener, and mix well. If sweetening with honey, wait to add until you can immerse your pinky finger in the liquid for five seconds. This will keep the honey from creating ama, which happens when exposed to too much heat.

  • Divide into two mugs, and enjoy!

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