cultivating a meditative seat

meditation yoga mat stillness how to meditate

why is meditative posture so important?

When preparing the body for meditation, one can easily gloss over, or perhaps skip altogether, taking the time to cultivate proper alignment and posture. While at the surface it may seem unimportant, spending a minute or two ensuring that the body is properly supported can actually have a profound impact on one’s practice.

Setting a foundation rooted in sthira (steadiness) and sukha (ease) in the physical body paves the way for breath and mind to follow. Part of the practice of meditation is cultivating steadiness of mind, and in order to steady the mind, we must first steady the physical body. This is why a comfortable posture is so important. Discomfort in the body leads to a distracted mind, and during meditation we wish to focus awareness inwards, not outwards, towards a feeling or sensation of discomfort.

preparing the body for stillness

Before beginning your pranayama or meditation practice, ask yourself the following questions. Making small adjustments and considering these questions will help you stay seated longer.

  • Do I need to spend a few minutes stretching?

    releasing muscular tension, and increasing range of motion in the joints helps to prepare the body for stillness, and opens the flow of prana. You may also need to wake of postural muscles that will be responsible for maintaining your meditative posture. Ultimately, this will lead to more comfort over a longer duration, enabling you to keep awareness focused inward.

  • Are my knees higher than my hips?

    check that you’re knees are lower than your hip points. You may need more height (like a meditation cushion) under your pelvis to make this happen.

  • Is my seat steady and comfortable?

    your height or cushion should be firm, yet comfortable. Buckwheat makes a great medium for meditation cushions as it is malleable, yet remains solid once formed. Sit cross-legged for a steady base, and place your hands on thighs.

  • Is my spine straight and tall?

    sit tall, feeling the base of the pelvis grounded. Feel that your spine is straight, and you are not slouching. Rolling your shoulders up, back, and down can help with proper alignment, too.

  • Do I have adequate cushioning beneath my legs, ankles, and feet?

    a padded layer for your limbs can help prolong the duration before limbs may fall asleep.

  • Will I need a blanket or shawl?

    consider having a shawl or meditation blanket handy for warmth or to help you feel contained energetically.

  • Where am I efforting?

    identify any areas of tension and breathe breath into those areas to encourage relaxation. Are you clenching your jaw? What adjustments can you make in the next three breaths to become 10% more comfortable?

Finding stillness and making space for proper posture and alignment will yield a more successful meditation. The more comfortable you can make yourself, the less fidgeting and distraction the physical body will be troubled with, ultimately leading to a deeper, steadier practice.

continued practice

The Ayurvedic Wellness Center carries a variety of meditation cushions, blankets, and shawls, to support your meditation. Stop in to try them out, and support your practice.

Ready to put these checks into practice? Our on-demand library has a host of meditation + breath techniques where you can practice these tips.


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