kapha bright fire tea



Is your digestion slow or sluggish? Do you find yourself not feeling hunger regularly, or at all, this spring?

These are all signs that Kapha dosha is in full effect. The heavy, wet qualities of the season can often overwhelm Agni, our digestive fire. Everything we take in is nourishment and needs to be digested, absorbed, and assimilated to be accessible to us. Agni decides what to do with what you’ve taken in.

And if we don’t tend Agni properly through actions such as eating according to the Āyurvedic clock, eating to satiation, and leaving time between meals for complete digestion, we hinder Agni’s ability to do its job.

When there is no regular hunger, we must support Agni to create regularity in the cycles of Agni. This is where our Kapha Bright Fire Tea steps in.

tending your fire

Bright Fire tea is a warming antidote to slow, sluggish Kapha-type digestive fire. A cup of this tea 20-30 minutes before a meal supports strong digestion, and lessens the physical accumulations Kapha brings. This tea is an Agni-stoker!

To prepare the body for a meal and signal to the body that it’s almost time to eat, boil 1-2 tsp in water for 5-10 minutes. Strain and enjoy! In a pinch, try steeping 1-2 tsp in hot water for 5-10 minutes.

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