spicy sautéed asparagus


What better way to say ‘hello’ to spring than some fresh cooked asparagus?

The tenderness and crunchiness of asparagus restore vitality after a long winter of hearty root vegetables. Combined with some heating spices, this recipe is sure to leave you wanting more!

Perfect on a salad, as an accompaniment to kitchari, or laid on top of any lentil + rice dish. We find that these spicy stalks are also delicious on their own, too!

Asparagus is astringent, sweet, and cooling. It is also Tri-doshic, but some adjustments can be made to spices if desired. Pitta can use more cumin seed and less mustard seed, and Vata + Kapha can use more Three Pungents.


1 bunch asparagus (about 1lb)
1 TBS ghee
½ tsp mustard seeds
½ tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp Three Pungents
¼ tsp Himalayan mineral salt


  • Rinse the asparagus and cut the bottom 1” from each stalk. If some stalks seem to still have woody flesh, use a peeler to peel the end.

  • Cut stalks into thirds.

  • In a large pan, melt the ghee and add the spices.

  • Once the mustard seeds begin to pop, add asparagus and salt.

  • Sauté, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes.

  • Once the asparagus is tender and bright green, remove from heat, cover, and let sit for another 5 minutes.

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